Family Remembrances Program


Four lawyers from the Washington area, all descendants of attorneys purged from the practice of law by the Nazis in the 1930s, shared their stories at a “Family Remembrances” program in conjunction with the Lawyers Without Rights exhibit at the German-American Heritage Museum in downtown D.C.

LWR Video

Dr. Michael Siegel, 1933

Munich lawyer Dr. Michael Siegel (1882-1979) had complained to Munich Police Headquarters in early 1933, when one of his clients was taken into 'protective custody'. He had the legs of his trousers cut off and was led through Munich's inner city streets barefoot with a board around his neck that read: "I will never complain to the police again!"

Bundesarchiv (146/41/6/1)


Official Anti-Jewish Acts Project NEW

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The Official Anti-Jewish Acts Project, a compendium of worldwide antisemitic laws and regulations going back to 410 BCE, has made available this list of laws targeting Jews just in Nazi-era Germany. Various professions, such as lawyers, journalists, writers, doctors, and athletes, are identified in this period account of official legal documents.